PLEASE do not order any books. They are gone until further notice.
I got a call from my son in Calif about 1 pm Tuesday Sept.8, 2020. He was listening to police scanner.. said a fire was coming my way... didn't make sense, this area has never had a fire. It's the city!
I went outside in our beautiful, peaceful neighborhood of elderly citizens to a bank of thick smoke and saw a raging fire. It seemed 10 miles away. The wind was whipping in every direction and took me off my feet several times.
I've been through this before living in the woods of No. Calif. I was prepared then. This home was in the city... I prepared for that. Not for this.
I immediately ran to the neighbors homes to warn them. They mocked me. No one would budge. I tried to water my house and house next door who were gone camping. NO one ever warned anyone. Finally one neighbor packed his wife and car and got out. He was the only one who saved any belongings. There was NOTHING on local radio and TV. NOTHING.
Was I being silly? I am disabled and in pain, not to mention being 71 years old and weighing 100 lbs. So I decided to grab Bugs the cat and what I needed for 2 or 3 days of evacuation. The cat can't go to a shelter. I was met with a 4 lane wall of evacuees when I tried to get on the main street. It took me 4 hours to drive 25 miles. Finally spent the night in the car in a parking lot in Rogue River, Oregon, then drove to a friend's 3 hours away.
On my way, the manager of our park called to say my home was gone. Nothing left. Only 5 of 55 homes were standing. No firefighters were available, but the manager finally got there and got the people to leave. I had called him first and he was stuck in evacuee traffic. He had no warning either. 100 old people plus several other parks were left to burn with NO warning, but he finally got them all out. We have no rentals in this area, no motel room left, one full shelter.
I got out with the clothes on my back and Bugs the cat.
It looks like Dresden. But the insult of losing everything isn't enough. I remembered Facebook and the pictures of my ancestors and long gone family was still there!! I tried all night.. no Facebook without passwords....I didn't even take my computer. I lost it all.
. You can't even rent without 'papers'.
Thank you,
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