
Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The events and places.......

The "Trail of Tears" various routes Circa 1838-1839

The Southern Cherokee and their neighbors, Circa 1837-1872

Rose Cottage, Plantation of Chief John Ross, Circa 1860, near Tahlequah, Indian Territory

The Charge of the 1st Iowa Regiment, under Union Gen. Lyon,
at the Battle of Wilson’s Creek, near Springfield, Mo. Aug. 10th, 1861

And a few of the Characters.....

James Madison Bell, "Colo-Gotte-Yon", c. 1865

Sarah Caroline "Sally" Bell Watie

James Kornelius O'Neal, Circa 1865, Ft. Lewisburg, Arkansas, Union

Stand Watie Circa 1855

Photo: Artist rendering of Major Ridge, The Ridge, Cherokee leader.
"Far better it is to dare mighty dreams, to win glorious triumphs,
even though checkered by failure,
than to take the ranks with those poor spirits
who neither enjoy much nor suffer much,
because they live in that gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat!" - Theordore Roosevelt

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